Monthly Check In | Are You Still On Track With Your 2019 Goals?

Sunday 3 February 2019

How did January treat you? Are you still on track with your goals for the year, or have you given up and fallen face first into a pile of chocolate cake five minutes after you uttered the word diet?

Motivation and willpower are funny things. Most people aren't very good at them (my husband is, but I'm pretty certain that he's a robot).

I usually fluctuate pretty drastically - I'm an all-or-nothing kind of person. January actually went pretty well for me with some goals, but I still have a way to go and I've focused on some more than others…

1.Make one kind decision every day

On this one, I'm probably not where I need to be. I have tried to be kind where I've seen the opportunity, but I think saying I've done it once a day is a tall story at this point, simply because I've been focusing on my other goals more.

I feel like getting my life in order is more of the main target for me and this one might be more 'as and when' until I can pay it more attention later.

Having said that, I have taken the chance to be kinder when it's arisen, and I think I've been quite good at being a kinder wife to Sebastian.

Where I really need to change is my patience in the mornings. When I'm rushing around trying to get the kids ready and my son off to nursery, I can get quite snappy and I hate myself for it.

So I've really been concentrating on trying to remedy that by prepping more stuff the night before, no matter how shattered I am!

2.Spend some time with my husband 

So, we haven't been able to do this really. There just isn't the opportunity for us to go out in the evening at the moment on a date night due to a couple of family circumstances, so I can't say there's been much progress. As the baby gets older though, it's going to get easier to leave the kids occasionally. I think this one is going to be a long term goal!

3.Educate myself about Minimalist values 

This is probably where I've made the most progress out of any of my goals. I've mentioned I want to focus on things like decluttering, streamlining my wardrobe and becoming more of a conscious consumer.

I've managed to read several of the books on my Minimalist reading list already and I've definitely absorbed some wisdom. I've picked a couple of small areas and made progress having a clear out - I've actually gotten rid of 22 pairs of shoes and a whole carrier bag full of lipsticks - but there's still plenty to go at.

I've created my list of planned purchases for the year and I've had a really good month of resisting impulse buying and just being more accountable. I also haven't bought any makeup or toiletries at all this month - opting to work my way through my massive stash first and run it down.

Products I used up this month:

  • Nuxe Eau De Micellaire Facial Wash
  • L'OrĂ©al Mythic Oil
  • Olay Total Effects Whip Moisturiser
  • Lychee and White Willow Micellar Shower Gel
  • Vita Liberata Fabulous Gradual Self Tanning Lotion 
  • Nutrafix Extra Firm Hold Hairspray 

I managed to replace all of these items from my huge stash. Definitely planning to use everything I can up before repurchasing any items.

And I'm very pleased that I've managed to resist the temptation of all the sales and stay away from any new makeup during January.

I did buy a few things. Most of them were on my list of planned purchases for my wardrobe this year, but there were a couple of unplanned buys too:

Lily England Kabuki Brush

So at Christmas, I treated myself to a new set of makeup brushes from Lily England and I've been so pleased with the quality! However, there was one brush I was missing - a kabuki, which is a type of brush I use a lot. I did let myself get one - and I had some Amazon credit, so technically it didn't cost me anything!

CGD London Daily Planner

This item is part of my goal to systemise my daily routine a bit more, so I did allow myself to buy it. I asked Santa for it, but he forgot, so I figured I'd get one myself.

The layout has space for the day's plan, a log for water and exercise, space for a quote of the day, a meal planner and a section on self care, which is something that often gets overlooked when you're a busy mama! It's perfect for my needs.

I haven't used a paper based planner for a while but I find it functions much better to ‘tidy out’ my brain if I actually write things down physically. I'm still using OneNote for all my various lists (weekly meal plan, chore schedule, to do list, purchase wish list etc) but I create a page just focused on the day at hand using my paper planner and I'm finding that really useful.

One thing I really like is that you enter the date yourself, so if it's a day where you don't have anything planned, you haven't wasted a page. I'm using it during the week and then my weekends have been a little more freeform so far. It was a great purchase.

Handpicked Collection Cashmere Wrap 

A pure cashmere travel wrap is something that I've wanted for the longest time, and they're usually fairly expensive, so when I saw this one for just £20 I pounced! I've used it pretty much every day since and it's beautifully soft, warm and ultra lightweight. In fact I've spent most of the month talking myself out of also purchasing one in navy!

Petit Bateau Breton Tee

This was also something on my planned purchase list. I did want just a classic striped one but when I checked the website they were having a sale and this one with stripes and leopard caught my eye. Those are the two prints I'm obsessed with so it was made for me. It was reduced to £24.50, so around half price, so I bought it as I know I'll wear it a lot!

Jack Wills cotton long sleeve tee, pack of socks and small makeup bag

Okay, so this was where I went off track as these really were spontaneous purchases. I'm on the mailing list and they emailed to say they were having a 70 per cent off sale with an additional 20 per cent off for newsletter subscribers. I'm weak and I crumbled, dear reader.

On the whole I've been better than I thought about ignoring the whole January sales thing but these were insane bargains. I was clicking add to basket like a mad woman. I did, however, manage to put a lot of it back and only came out with these three things which was absolutely heroic, let me tell you.

They're all very functional items - a plain long sleeved tee that will go with anything, a pack of socks and a little leather makeup bag - I really didn't need the last one, admittedly, but I can always find a use for a good pouch.

Stella & Dot Rebel Stone Bracelet 

Stella and Dot are hands down my absolute favourite accessories brand. I think their designs are super gorgeous and great quality and they have definitely been my go to for beautiful jewellery.

My neighbour is a stylist for them but she got the very bad news that they're closing down in Europe as of next month. It's sad for her and also for me as I won't be able to get my S&D fix anymore.

There was a sale on the new season pieces so I did get this gorgeous bracelet - I just knew I'd regret it if I didn't. I'm not really planning out my accessory purchases like I am my clothes, and in fact there's a sample sale next week so I'm guessing I may make a few other buys then.

I also went to Primark and bought a bunch of thermal tights, plain vests and other basics that are too boring to write about here! Those sort of things are going to need topping up occasionally and I wanted to be prepared for the cold snap we’re in the middle of.

4.Systematise my daily routine 

This goal has been going quite well. I've been planning out my days to make sure I can get what I need to done and also remember to take care of myself, like drinking enough water and taking all my vitamins and supplements. The planner I bought has been really useful for this.

  • I've found Sunday nights are also really crucial to set me up for the week ahead. They are definitely a day to plan out everything, get prepped and practise some self care. I'm planning a post soon on how to use your Sundays to set you up for the week ahead where I'll share a few tricks and my new routine!

5.Get back to peak health and run a 10k race 

So, I've tried to be as forgiving as possible to my body, seeing as it went through pregnancy and delivered an 8lbs 8oz baby without pain relief, but that hasn't always been easy. I'd really like to use this time now to focus on my health - and I've made some great steps in January towards this goal.

Nutrition wise, I've had some really good days but also - if I'm being honest - some terrible ones. I know what I need to do to have a good day, so now I need to focus on having more of those and less of the bad ones! I've been trying to limit treats to the weekend and just be quite good during the week.

I'd really like to start the 5:2 Diet again as it has worked well for me in the past, but I can't while I'm still breastfeeding. Romy is starting on solids now though, so it should be possible in a couple of months.

I've also signed up to a new gym to do hot spin classes! Bring your baby spin has been something I've really enjoyed but it's only on once a week, and I need to kick it up a notch.

I've been getting in a few runs but I am a bit of a fairweather runner and all this cold dark weather is making it really hard to motivate myself, so I haven't been as on it as I'd like with the running. The gym is a more attractive option at the moment but I'm sure as it gets less freezing, icy and muddy I'll be ramping up the running again!

The key thing is that Romy now goes to bed at 7pm and is in a nightly routine so I'm now able to do things in the evening that I wasn't before. The main thing is, I've made a start and I can build on it.

Here's to a happy and healthy 2019! 

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