TAG: Very Inspiring Blogger Awards

Thursday 24 April 2014

Yay! I LOVE being included in tags, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

 And the great thing is that I’ve been tagged for the Very Inspiring Blogger post by no less than two of my favourite bloggers, Amanda from Amanda In A Teacup (pay her a visit if you love cool illustration, she’s very talented) and Kerry from KerryJustBeauty (who owns a crazy amount of lipsticks and blogs about them all beautifully).

Rules are simple:

1. Share the blog link love for your nominees

2. Nominate some of the blogs that inspire you, link them in your post and let them know

3. Write 7 facts about yourself

4. Display the nomination badge on your blog and within your post

So, thank you ladies, 7 original facts is hard but here goes…

1. I am a mad cat lady. I’ve tried to fight it, but I can’t. I just love kitties. I will always be that person fussing over a random cat in the street, and I look forward to becoming an eccentric elder lady with a house full of moggies.

2. I used to drink six cans of Diet Coke a day at university. This cannot have been good for me in any way, shape or form. I would literally wake up and grab one. I think I was hooked on the caffeine. I would also always eat quartered oranges, only because one of the guys in my halls of residence got scurvy (actually SCURVY. Like a pirate!) because he never ate anything fresh.

3. I did ballet for 8 years when I was younger, and I sort of wish I’d pursued it more. But you get to a point where you have to choose whether to make it more than a hobby, and I didn’t. I never had the body shape for it anyway – too muscular and heavy. My mum was a professional dancer trained at the Royal School of Ballet and I think that seemed like the ideal for me when I was younger.

4. I’m a big believer in lists. I love a good list. If you have a list, you feel in control. But you can go overboard and get to the point where you have lists of lists….not that I would know from personal experience *cough*

5. I’m a person of contradictions in every way. And one of them is that I’m extremely social but I also go crazy without time on my own.  If I haven’t spend the odd afternoon by myself I feel really claustrophobic. Space to just think, daydream, process my thoughts.

6. I love learning, reading and studying…if that makes me a geek, then so be it! I would love to do a PhD one day in international relations. I’m just waiting for retirement to do it!

7. I’ve been trying to move house for over a year now….and I still can’t find anywhere to go. In fact, I sold my own house in July last year. So far, my buyer has been patient but it won’t last forever. I’m really panicking now. There’s just not much coming onto to the market that I can actually afford in the area I live. I’ve been close a couple of times, but always outbid. I keep praying my luck will change soon…

And the ladies I nominate are...

Rachael at the Painted Veil
Eilidh at Maisy Meow
Kelly at Adventures of a Riot Grrl
Ella at Every Little Thing

Go girls!!! xx

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