Breaking News: Mac to launch Rocky Horror collection

Thursday 4 September 2014

Stop press! 

After several what I would call ‘dodgy’ guest collections (Dame Edna? Marge Simpson?) Mac have just announced a new autumn collaboration I’m hugely excited about.
Just in time for Halloween, they will be launching a Rocky Horror Picture Show themed set of makeup.

Being a massive RH fangirl, this announcement is music to my ears! The classic misfit rock and roll musical has always been a favourite of mine.

Having been to loads of dress-up screenings and live productions, I think the Rocky theme will fit perfectly with Mac's appreciation of high camp. They'll pull it off exquisitely.

The range will be made up fo 21 pieces, all with the iconic red lips printed on the packaging (*suppresses squeals of joy*)

Here's what they say about it:

"The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a cult classic about transformation, diversity, individuality and fantasy; all elements that are a part of Mac's DNA. The collection was inspired by the strong make-up looks of the film characters. It will be out just in time for Halloween, one of Mac's favourite holidays." - James Gager, Mac Senior Vice President and Creative Director.

My take? There's going to be a lot of glitter, some outtrageous false lashes, and, naturally, a range of vampy red lipsticks that I'm sure will be to die for.

Full details are yet to be released, but from the small picture at the top of the post, I spied two shades of red lipstick, both of which I need in my life.

The whole film is a treasure trove of high-camp glamour that I'm sure Mac will plunder with glee. The range is sure to be a total sell-out, so set your calendar alarm and get ready to timewarp your way over to the nearest Mac counter!


  1. I cannot wait for this!! Sounds incredible!

    1. Doesn't it just! Much better than the past few guest collections. Super exciting! xx

  2. I love RHPS and I've been quite a few times too. I went to a live show in London's West End and Anthony Head was Frank. He was brilliant.

    Anyway, I can't wait to see this. I probably won't buy anything because it will be sparkly but fingers crossed it will have something for me.

  3. :O Anthony Head as Frank!!!! Oh my goodness, that sounds amazing. I think Mac are going to do it really well. Looks like there will be lots of great lipsticks :) xx

  4. I can't wait to see this collection in person! I don't know if I'm going to love it for myself but I agree with you, many pieces will be to die for! ;) xx

    Gyudy’s Notes Of Beauty

    1. Pretty sure some of it will be quite outlandish, but I bet there will be plenty of wearable items as well. The countdown begins! xx
